Health Information

Insect Bites

When considering malaria risk, travellers should bear in mind that NO Anti-malarial provides 100% protection against the disease. Thus avoiding mosquito bites remains the cornerstone of protection against malaria. DO NOT GET BITTEN!

Avoidance of mosquito bites


  • Where possible avoid going outdoors between dusk and dawn.
  • Wear long sleeves to cover your arms and long trousers to cover your ankles.
  • Avoid dark coloured clothing – it retains heat and attracts mosquitoes.
  • If possible choose an air-conditioned room.
  • Keep doors and windows closed.
  • Avoid using perfumes and aftershaves – the smells attract mosquitoes.
  • Choose a room above the third floor. Insects don’t tend to fly to this height.
  • If living in the area ensure there are no open water containers. Still water is often the preferred breading ground of numerous insects.


Insect Repellents
  • When choosing a repellent remember that products with between 30 to 50% DEET (diethyltolumide) are the most effective. Higher dosages of DEET are available.
  • Use a Mosquito net if sleeping outdoors or in a room without proper fly screening. Ensure that it is correctly fitted.
  • Use Mosquito nets impregnated with permethrin to discourage insects from landing on the net and possibly biting its slumbering occupant through the holes.
  • Use sprays around dawn and dusk (mosquito’s most active time of day).
  • Mosquito coils and plug-in repellents are very effective, and should be used if available.
  • High pitched buzzers are not effective.
Reactions and Allergies
  • Creams which contain steroids are most effective against itching bites.
  • Carry some anti histamine tablets. Remember these react with alcohol so reduce your intact or abstain.
  • If your allergy is very severe you may need to take anti histamine throughout your time abroad. In this case start the day before you arrive and for a day after you return. More modern anti histamines are now non-sedative.
Easing and Soothing
  • Try to avoid scratching bites as this is how they become infected. Rubbing gently will have the same soothing effect and lead to less trouble.
  • Try a lukewarm bath or shower to ease the itching.
  • If irritation is severe try antihistamine tablets at night.
Getting Advice
  • Seek medical advice before you travel especially if you are prone to reactions.
  • If you have been bitten badly attend a doctor on your return.

Health Information

Insect Repellents

  • When choosing a repellent remember that products with between 30 to 50% DEET (diethyltolumide) are the most effective. Higher dosages of DEET are available. If preferred non-DEET products can be used to protect children.
  • Use a Mosquito net if sleeping outdoors or in a room without proper fly screening. Ensure that it is correctly fitted.
  • Use Mosquito nets impregnated with permethrin to discourage insects from landing on the net and possibly biting its slumbering occupant through the holes.
  • Use sprays around dawn and dusk (mosquito’s most active time of day).
  • Mosquito coils and plug-in repellents are very effective, and should be used if available.
  • High pitched buzzers are not effective.


Tailored to Business Travellers, Expatriates and Remotely Deployed Personnel. Focused on Corporate Travel Health. Specialised in Occupational Health. Multidisciplinary solutions to organised health challenges.


(Not emergency contact details)

+27 10 900 3013

8th Floor, Firestation Rosebank, 16 Baker Street, Cnr of Bath Avenue Rosebank, Johannesburg, South Africa

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